6 Tips for Reducing Daily Stress

Fact: We Americans are stressed out. It’s okay to admit that, because acknowledging our stress is the first step toward doing something about it.
So, for starters, in recognition of Stress Awareness Month, let’s take note of the data:
⦁ The stress level for Americans is 20 percentage points higher than the global average, with 55% of adults feeling stressed on a typical day (The American Institute of Stress)
⦁ Not only are a majority of Americans stressed on any given day, but more than 1 of every 2 have been stressed in the past year to the point of being unable to cope or deal with things (World Mental Health Day survey)
⦁ More than 75% of U.S. adults experience impacts on their personal health because of stress including headaches, fatigue, anxiety and sadness or depression (American Psychological Association “Stress in America” survey)
Causes and Outcomes of Stress
There are many causes of stress. Financial problems are a big one for many people, and that’s certainly true during this current time of high inflation. Political division is another common source of stress, especially here in America during a presidential election year. Global hostilities including wars in Ukraine and Israel, concerns about climate change and the lingering effects of the COVID crisis all contribute to our stress, too, according to surveys.
High stress not only creates tension and anxiety as we go about our daily routines, but in many cases it also breeds physical symptoms such as aches and pains, low energy, insomnia and increased heart rate or elevated blood pressure. Unmanaged stress also can affect our mental wellbeing by causing mood swings, excessive worry, helpless feelings and even loss of sex drive.
5 Ways to Reduce Stress at Work
How to Relieve Stress
While we all experience stress, that doesn’t mean we all have to suffer the negative effects of stress. We can do something about it.
For example, take this quiz to discover natural dietary supplements that you can incorporate into your daily routine to minimize stress in your life.
In recognition of Stress Awareness Month, here are 6 more tips to reduce your day-to-day stress:
The technology we have available at our fingertips 24/7 can help us stay in touch with others and the world around us better than ever before, but it also can become a burden. For example, both social media and the news are among the most-cited causes of stress in surveys. It’s okay to silence your phone or even put it in a drawer for a while. You can always catch up later – on your own terms when you’re in the right frame of mind to process potentially stressful information.
Eat Healthy
It’s so simple, yet so hard to just eat food that’s good for us. We know that a healthy body is one of the best defenses against stress. But the irony is that many of us tend to eat more when we’re feeling stressed, and often the food closest at hand is not what the doctor would order. Poor nutrition spins a worsening cycle of stress if we’re not careful. On the other hand, when we make a point of eating healthy we reinforce our mind and body and essentially tell our stress to chill out. Dietary supplements that fill gaps in our nutrition are a great option for many people and can be a wonderful way to ease stress.
Get Enough Physical Activity and Enough Sleep
We often think of exercise and sleep as one or the other. Either we sleep in or we wake up early and go to the gym. Either we get to bed on time or we go for that late-night run or walk. The truth is that physical activity and sleep are both vital to fighting stress and, unfortunately, a rising share of Americans get neither a healthy amount of sleep nor exercise. When we’re tired and sedentary, little things can become major stressors. On the flip side, when we’re rested and active, our energy levels are higher and we’re better able to handle challenges that otherwise might be distressing.
How can we make enough time in our day for rest and exercise? Consider a dietary supplement with melatonin so that the time you do spend sleeping is high-quality shut-eye.
Do Fun Things
Before this starts to sound like a list of all things you should do but might not really want to do, you should know that one of the best ways to battle stress is to have fun. Laugh. Do things you love to do! If playing pickleball is your jam, then make time for pickleball. If you love to get cozy on the couch with a book or a movie or some soothing music, then don’t forget to do that from time to time. Whatever makes you happy can be a powerful antidote to stress. You can even put a smile on your face with a dietary supplement of Vitamin D3 such as Happy Sunshine which helps your body absorb calcium and fight off sickness.
Connect With Other People
Yes, sometimes the source of your stress is other people! But, generally, social interaction is a good idea. For one, you can share some of your stressors with friends. Talking about your stress with others can be an effective way to cope. Also, just being with other people can keep you from dwelling on what’s stressing you out all by yourself. And guess what? Hearing about other people’s stress often can relieve some of the anxiety you’re feeling about your own problems.
Limit Alcohol and Avoid Smoking
It may seem like a beer or two could dissolve your stress. And that could be true, to a point. But the tricky thing about alcohol is that it can actually compound your stress. Ditto for smoke breaks. As for other drugs, just say no! Instead, make the healthy choice and consider a natural dietary supplement such as Happy Calm, which supports energy and mood with Ashwagandha, an ancient medicinal herb that has been used for thousands of years to manage stress, boost energy and improve concentration.