8 Healthy Aging Tips for Men

Tue Jun 11, 2024

8 Healthy Aging Tips for Men

Hey, guys, here’s the cold, hard truth: Men tend not to live as long as women. In fact, the life expectancy for men in America is five years shorter!

Now, there are lots of variables that play into that statistic, but at least two things are crystal clear:

  • One, men can improve their longevity by taking certain steps to promote healthy aging


  • Two, no matter how long you live, making healthy choices can maximize the quality of life for however much time you have left

In celebration of Men’s Health Month, here’s a look at eight healthy aging tips for men:

1. Eat Good Food – Many times you’ve heard the refrain about eating a balanced diet, but it can’t be stated enough. How you fuel your body is just too important to ignore! Emphasize fruits, vegetables and whole grains rich in nutrients and drink lots of water. On the other hand, minimize saturated fats and sugary beverages. Eating a balanced diet doesn’t mean you can never enjoy a steak and a beer, but you should take care to consume red meat and alcohol in moderation.


Here’s an easy first step to improve your diet: For snacks, choose nuts instead of chips that are high in saturated fat, or dip carrots in hummus rather than lather popcorn with butter and salt.


2. Take Dietary Supplements – A perfect diet would give us all the essential vitamins and minerals. But in reality, nutrient gaps are unavoidable. Adding nutritional supplements to your daily routine can make sure your body gets everything it needs, from dietary fiber for a healthy digestive system to potassium for blood pressure support and calcium for strengthening your bones.


Here’s an easy first step to make dietary supplements part of your routine: Build a habit of starting your day with a Vitamin D supplement that provides immune system support and helps absorb calcium.


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3. Be Physically Active – This is the same old story you’ve heard for years and, again, it bears repeating: Use it or lose it. Being active and moving around is vital to your long-term health by reducing the risk of many serious health issues such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity. Regular exercise also supports healthy weight, flexibility, balance and strength as you age. You don’t necessarily have to train for a marathon or hit the gym every day, but it is important to get at least moderate-intensity exercise for 150 minutes each week. Walking, jogging, swimming, biking, gardening, golfing, dancing and a million other activities fit the bill.


Here’s an easy first step to getting more exercise: Make a point of going for a 30-minute walk each day.


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4. Get Enough Sleep – A happy byproduct of physical activity is that you’re often tired at the end of the day and ready for some quality sleep. Men ages 50 and over need at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. The benefits of a good night’s sleep include stress reduction, improved focus and concentration and a reduced risk of obesity and heart disease.


Here’s an easy first step to getting better sleep: Avoid drinking liquid two hours before bedtime so that you don’t have to get up in the middle of the night to pee.


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5. Care For Your Prostate – Speaking of getting up in the middle of the night, it happens to most men as they age. That’s because the prostate gland tends to grow over time, pressuring the bladder and causing greater urinary frequency. If you have to pee a lot more than you used to, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have a health problem. But you can do something to improve your quality of life both at night and during the day.


Here’s an easy first step to improving urinary flow and control: Take a one-a-day soft gel called Flomentum, a USP-verified supplement that can reduce your urinary frequency.


6. See Your Doctor – While any change in your prostate might just be a normal part of aging, it’s still a good idea to visit the doctor at least once a year for a regular checkup that includes recommended bloodwork, immunizations and routine screenings for prostate and colon cancer. Not only will your lab results tip off your doctor to any signs of trouble such as high blood pressure or cholesterol (which can be easily treated with simple medications), but you’ll have the chance to ask about any health concerns you may have including sensitive issues such as urinary control and erectile dysfunction.


Here’s an easy first step to making preventative health a priority: Make an appointment for a checkup right now.


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7. Use Sunscreen – The skin is the body’s largest organ, and exposing our skin to the sun’s ultraviolet rays is the No. 1 cause of accelerated aging. It might be second nature for you to apply sunscreen if you’re going to the beach for the afternoon, but it should be top of mind anytime you’re outside for more than just a few minutes. Yes, soaking up Vitamin D from the sun is good for us. Yet, sun exposure also increases the risk of skin cancer if we’re not careful and it can cause a variety of skin damage including wrinkles and dark spots.


Here's an easy first step to keeping your skin safe from the sun: Put a tube of sunscreen in your vehicle along with a wide-brimmed hat so you can never again say that you forgot it.


8. Support Your Mental Health – Physical health and mental health go hand in hand, so it’s important to care for your mind as well as your body. Keep your brain active in your down time by working on puzzles or reading, for example. Pursue social interaction by spending time with friends and family. Look forward to each day by making time for hobbies and other things you love to do. All of these things can have a positive impact on your quality of life while also reducing the risk of depression and Alzheimer’s disease.


Here’s an easy first step to supporting your mental health: Take up a new hobby that you’ve always wanted to try or reach out and reconnect with an old friend.

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