Our line of EyeScience products are focused on eye health and education. This line of products incorporates more than
two decades of ocular research, resulting in nutritional supplements wich benefit those with macular degeneration,
as well as individuals taking proactive measures to protect their eyes from the impact of oxidative stress.
EyeScience Macular Health
EyeScience Macular Health Formula was created by a leading retina and macular specialist and based on two decades of research. The eye health formula contains 14 nutrients including those found in the AREDS formula and is a unique blend of vitamins, herbal extracts, amino acids and antioxidants to help give your eyes the nutrients they need to stay healthy.*
Digital Blue Light Formula
EyeScience Digital Blue Light Formula was created with heavy technology users in mind. The product can help reduce eye strain and eye fatigue, working from the inside out. The formula contains three integral carotenoids for the eyes which have been shown to cross the blood-retina barrier -- Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Astaxanthin.
Natural Astaxanthin
Sourced from algae, Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant which may provide several health benefits to the body. As one of the few antioxidants that can cross the blood-brain barrier and the blood retinal barrier in the eyes, Astaxanthin may especially help with brain and vision health.*
Dry Eye Formula
This formula contains Omega-3, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin B-6 and Magnesium which work together to help improve tear production and seal in moisture for lasting comfort.* Unlike other formulas, EyeScience Dry Eye works from the inside of your eye to the outside, continuously addressing the cause of occasional dry eye.